When young Ivan (David Mazouz, Gotham) wins a mysterious game-making competition, he is catapulted into a dark, fantastical world beyond his comprehension, facing off against the diabolical inventor Morodian (Joseph Fiennes, Shakespeare in Love), who has long desired to destroy the city of Zyl, founded by Ivan’s grandfather (Ed Asner, Up). To save his family and defeat Morodian, Ivan must come to know what it is to be a true Games Maker.
One of the most ambitious films ever to shoot in Argentina, Walt Disney Pictures released The Games Maker theatrically on 1200 2D and 3D screens across Latin America.
STARRING // Joseph Fiennes, David Mazouz, Ed Asner, Megan Charpentier, Tom Cavanagh
DIRECTED BY // Juan Pablo Buscarini
PRODUCED BY // Pablo Bossi, Tina Pehme, Kim Roberts, Ben Odell
EDITED BY // Austin Andrews
PROJECT PARTNERS // Disney/Buena Vista, Entertainment One, Pampa Films, Sepia Films, DAP Italy